One experiences I had, was an interesting connection with a stray cat that spend a lot of time in the garden of my client Ursula. She called him Snörli and wanted to know about this cat.

After the preparations, it was easy to connect to this cat. Than this happened....

I made contact by greeting Snörli and asking him if he would like to talk to me.

The cat responded by looking straight at me and than abruptly turning his back to me. It felt like he wanted to tell me to f%&k off, but he changed his mind, looked over his shoulder and said `I don't know you`. I could clearly sense that Snörli tried to be polite, but did not like the intrusion of his space.

Then, funnily he did answer the questions I had in a very alleycat like attitude. To the question do you like the garden he answered `What is there not to like?`. Clearly he was somewhat grateful for Ursula to let him stay in her garden but was not allowing himself to get attached.

When I ask Snörli what happened to his (half) tail I got an idea why he was apprehensive of me. He said his tail had got caught by a door and he didn't want to talk about it. Maybe a human slammed the door and didn't care that Snörlie`s tail got hurt in the process...? 

It was a beautiful experience to meet this big personality that clearly had learned to fend for himself.  


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